Tonight I was revisiting the Yamaha Pro Audio web site researching some products and I came across an older application guide book that I downloaded myself. It is the 2010 Yamaha Sound Reinforcement Application Guide book. Here is what the cover look like:
The guide book is a really great resource for sound techs setting up sound systems or putting together systems for different kinds of shows or events. Inside, the book highlights various sound system setup scenarios using Yamaha branded gear in the examples. They have detailed diagrams of sound setups for every thing from a simple band rehearsal systems to a full concert systems with recording setup.
Over the years, I have referred to my copy to help with decisions for sound system setups on my own gigs.
I find it valuable to show to a client when showing them ideas for sound systems for their events. I keep a downloaded copy of it on my smart phone and tablet. Obviously, with the 2010 date, some of the products are slightly outdated but, the general purpose of the guide book is still relevant today. Maybe someday Yamaha will released a revised and updated copy of this great reference tool.
Yamaha still has the guide book available for free download from their web site. To download the Yamaha Sound Reinforcement Application Guide Book 2010, please click here: